It is a continuous propaganda for several decades that India’s another name is Bharat. Please read the below article.
The Myth of Bharat
by Subbiah Alagumalaiyan
In modern times, bigoted Brahmins have projected Bharatavarsha as the ancient Sanskrit name for the whole of India. This, however, has no historical foundation. Bharatavarsha did not include the whole of India and never did, but only denoted the kingdom of the Aryan invader Bharata, who was a chieftain of one of the Aryan tribes that invaded India. This small region comprised only a small part of the upper Ganges valley.
Epigraphic Evidence
The epigraphic evidence confirms that Bharata originally did not mean the whole of India. but only a small part of North India. Kharavela who lived c.63 BC - c.23 BC ( C.R.Mishra, p.114 ), was one of the most famous kings of the Kolarian-Dravidian kingdom of Kalinga. His conquests ranged far and wide. They are celebrated in the Hathigumpha inscription. The nineth and tenth lines of this inscription clearly mention that he invaded Bharata from Kalingam thereby implying that Bharata at that time did not include the whole of India - Line 9-10 : "And, in the nineth year, (His Majesty) [ Kharavela ] caused to be built the great victory place - royal residence at the cost of thirty eight hundred thousand (coins).
" Then, in the 10th year (His Majesty) who embodied the principles of politics, diplomacy and peace, caused (the army) to march towards Bharatavarsha for conquest ."
-- ( C.R.Mishra, p.128 )
Prof. C.R.Mishra notes that Bharata did not originally denote India : " Bharatavarsha, here is used in a general sense denoting the regions of northern India " (C.R.Mishra, p.121). Elaborating this, he states that Bharata is mentioned for the first time in the Hatigumpha inscription and that it denoted only a part of North India - " In the epigraphic records of ancient India, the name `Bharatavarsha' is mentioned for the first time in the Hatigumpha inscription. But the name denoted North India at that time."
-- ( C.R.Mishra, p.130, n.79 )
A.L. Basham states that Bharatas was one of the invading Aryan tribes which settled in the region between the Satlaj and Jamna, which later became known as Brahmavarta (Basham, The Wonder that was India, p.30).
Thus, the first time that we have undisputed usage of the word Bharatavarsha, it denoted only North India. There is no evidence of Bharata's kingdom extending beyond Northern India.
Historical Evidence
Historical evidence refutes the Brahmanist claim that Bharata conquered the whole of India. Bharata's ancestors lived in the region of the Caspian sea in Central Asia; they were nomadic tribesmen of Aryan stock. Bharata's legendary capital lay in the Kabul valley, ie. Yusufzai territory of modern Afghanistan:
" According to local tradition, the original seat of the empire of Bharata was much further to the morth-west, namely, at the site now occupied by the ruins of Takh-i-Bahi, in the country of the Yusufzais to the northward of Peshawur."
-- ( Wheeler, p.48n.2 )
From this base he descended with his hordes of Aryan horsemen onto the plains of India. There he defeated Indra ( Wheeler, p.45 ), a descendant of the first Aryan invader Indra, earning himself the title "most renowned of the Lunar race" ( Wheller, p.47 ). He then conquered the Upper Ganges valley, exceeding Indra's dominion.
After the wars of annexation, the Raj of Bharata extended over the enitre doab between the rivers Ganges and the Jumna right up to the junction of these 2 rivers ( Wheeler, p.44 ). It is thus obvious that Bharata's empire, Bharatavarsha, only included a few provinces in the Ganges Valley.
His son Hastin founded Hastinapur further down the Ganges valley, after this second wave of Aryans had pushed on from the neighbourhood of Peshawar up to the banks of the Ganges ( Wheeler, p.48.n2 ). It is thus evident that even the lower Ganges valley was beyond Bharata's control. In the words of Winston Churchill, `India is as much a nation as the equator' .
( C.R.Mishra ), `Kharavela and His Times' , in ` Comprehensive Hisotry and Culture of Orissa' , ed. P.K.Mishra, Kaveri Books, New Delhi 1997, Vol.I part I, p.108-131.
( J. T. Wheeler ), `India of the Vedic Age with Reference to the Mahabharata', J. Talboys Wheeler, Vol. I of `The History of India', 1973 reprint Cosmo Publns. Delhi 1973
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Tamil in Australian Aboriginal Languages
Lingustic Evidence for Tamil in Australian Aboriginal Languages
Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology, School of Medicine
Flinders University, Adelaide
Research Centre for Linguistic Typology
La Trobe University, Melbourne
Ref Page 18 & 19
A hypothesis that the phonetics and phonology of a language have been shaped by the hearing status of the speakers is not easily falsifiable, but we can at least identify two major types of prima facie counter-evidence that would be a problem for such a hypothesis: firstly, evidence that the cause of the hearing impairment had not existed in the population for long enough for it to have had the postulated effect and secondly, evidence that there are other languages with ‘long flat’ phonologies whose speakers do not show a high prevalence of COM and/or populations with a high prevalence of COM whose languages do not have ‘long flat phonologies. As to the first point, it is probably a reasonable assumption that the kinds of atypical phonological characteristics we are dealing with here would take longer than 200 years
. As to the second point, there are very few languages elsewhere in the world with a system of contrasts anything like those found in Australia. Whilst the consonant systems of New Guinea and Polynesian languages typically lack a voicing distinction (and in some cases a fricative series), the number of places of articulation is invariably restricted to /p t k/(with the occasional /?/) and almost all of these languages have at least five vowels. Eskimo-Aleut languages, such as Inuktitut, typically have four places of articulation, no voicing contrast and only three vowels (although they do have fricatives). On the other side of the Arctic, Chukokto-Kamchatkan languages, such as Chukchee, arguably have five or six places of articulation, no voicing distinction and a minimal fricative contrast (but six or seven vowels). Perhaps most similar to Australian languages are the Dravidian languages of southern India. Tamil, for example, has five places of articulation in a single series of stops, paralleled by a series of nasals, and no fricatives (thus approaching the Australian proportion of sonorants to obstruents of 70% to 30%). Approaching the question from the opposite direction: according to the latest WHO data on the prevalence of chronic otitis media (Acuin 2004:14ff), Aboriginal Australians have the highest prevalence in the world – 10-54%, according to Coates & al (2002), up to 36% with perforations of the eardrum. They are followed – at some distance – by the Tamil of southern India (7.8%, down from previous estimates of 16-34%) to develop.
- Andrew Butcher
Genetic Evidence for Australian Aboriginals were Dravidians
The experiments were regarding the early coastal migration of human beings to Australia . Because, according to our theory, the first time man migrated from Africa was to Australia . India proved a critical turning point for us as genetic testing of isolated Indian populations produces a key genetic marker [one of the genetic changes] linking India as a crossroad for the journey of man to both Australia and Central Asia. So we were looking in the south of India because most Indian scientists said that the oldest population in India stayed in south India . And we found out in our experiments that these people were Dravidians.
Spencer Wells, Phd
National Geographic Science
Video Link for Australian Aboriginals
Telugu - A Central Dravidian Language
98 % of the Telugu speaking people believe that Telugu came from Sanskrit. But prominent linguistics tell that none of the Dravidian languages came from Sanskrit. But Telugu is heavily influenced by Sanskrit. Sanskrit words found in Telugu is due to influence. If a language influence the another language, It doesn't effect the verbs of another language. Still Telugu verbs are Dravidian verbs.
Tamil is the oldest of all Dravidian languages. There are almost 20 dravidianian language including South, Central, North and Brahui language in Pakistan & Afghanistan
Old Tamil - Almost 3000 BC - 5000 Yrs
Kanada - 1 st Century AD - 2000 Yrs
Telugu - 6th Century AD - 1400 Yrs
Malayalam - 12th Century AD - 800 Yrs
Please read the article below by Dr V. Rao Vemuri Phd. He is a Professor in University of California, Davis (UC Davis)
An Introduction to Telugu
Tamil is the oldest of all Dravidian languages. There are almost 20 dravidianian language including South, Central, North and Brahui language in Pakistan & Afghanistan
Old Tamil - Almost 3000 BC - 5000 Yrs
Kanada - 1 st Century AD - 2000 Yrs
Telugu - 6th Century AD - 1400 Yrs
Malayalam - 12th Century AD - 800 Yrs
Please read the article below by Dr V. Rao Vemuri Phd. He is a Professor in University of California, Davis (UC Davis)
An Introduction to Telugu
(Reproduced from a forthcoming book by Prof. Vemuri)
Telugu is the language of the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Well over 75 million people, the world over, speak Telugu, and it stands second only to Hindi in India as to the number of native speakers. According to linguists, Telugu is a Dravidian language. That is to say, it does not belong to the Indo-Aryan family to which Hindi, Sanskrit, Latin and Greek belong. Linguists also determined that the four major southern Indian languages, namely Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam belong to the Dravidian family of languages. If someone is counting, there are some twenty one Dravidian languages in the Indian subcontinent. Some of these are still being spoken in remote parts of Pakistan and Afganistan.
Although the roots of proto-Dravidian languages can be traced back to several millennia before Christ, Telugu itself has a recorded history from the 6th century A. D. and a fine literary record dating back to the 11th century A. D. Much of the Telugu written literature, up to the end of the nineteenth century was in highly formal “literary style.” It is only in the twentieth century that colloquial spoken language began to earn the literary mantle. Nowadays almost all the language used in the media (print, radio, television, movies) is the colloquial style. This book attempted only to capture this colloquial style.
Telugu accepts foreign words with comfort and ease. Sanskrit and its vocabulary heavily influenced Telugu literature; no other language has as much of an influence on Telugu as Sanskrit has. Indeed a large fraction of the characters of the Telugu alphabet – such as many of the aspirated consonants - were created especially to facilitate the writing and pronunciation of Sanskrit words. It is, therefore no exaggeration to boast that some of the best Sanskrit pronunciation can be heard from scholars residing in the coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh.
Just as Sanskrit found a permanent niche for itself in Telugu literary circles, Arabic, Persian and Urdu words also found their way into the administrative jargon of Telugu. With the advent of British rule and the technology revolution sweeping the globe, it is no surprise to see, nowadays, that a Telugu person cannot conduct a conversation with another Telugu person for no more than a minute before switching to English or sprinkling the conversation with English words. No wonder J. B. S. Haldane, the well-known British geneticist, once remarked that Telugu fills the bill as the most suitable one to serve as India 's national language.
In spite of this love affair between the Telugu-speaking people and the English language, linguistically, culturally and grammatically, Telugu and English are as far apart as two languages can be. In a Telugu sentence the subject, object and verb come in that order, whereas in English the normal order is subject-verb-object. For an English speaking person the word order in Telugu appears inverted. There are other subtle differences – especially when it comes to past perfect tense.
In spite of these differences, Telugu is a very expressive and one of the most regular languages of the world. Its grammar is simple and structurally neat. Because of its vowel ending sounds, it has been the language of choice for lyrical compositions in Karnatic music – one of the two musical schools of India . Due to this reason, nineteenth century Europeans dubbed this language, “the Italian of the East.”
In Telugu pronouns and verbs play a key role. The more you learn about verbs and the declensions of pronouns, the better your command will be. If you cannot recall the correct verb form for a thought you have in mind, do not hesitate to use the English verb and the chances are the other person will understand. In fact, Telugu is so forgiving and accommodating that you can insert entire English phrases in the middle of a Telugu sentence and it will pass as Telugu. Many Telugu people you interact with use more English than Telugu when they talk to their grand mother!
Another special feature of Telugu, as well as other Indian languages, is the grammatical operation of sandhi, which literally means “junction” or “union.” When two words are pronounced in rapid succession, under some special circumstances, these words are fused together into a new word with the resulting morphing of the words at the point of fusion. In some circumstances, this fusing operation is mandatory and in other circumstances it is optional. A rare example from English is the morphing of “no one” into “none.” (Can you think of any other examples?) Until the student understands the process of analyzing this operation, it is best to avoid this operation, if at all possible. As understanding of this is important for the mastery of the language, it is treated extensively in one of the later chapters of this book.
Like many things Indian, there has never been a serious effort to standardize the language. Indians are truly the world’s freedom-loving people; they like to do the things their own way. Variations in the language from region to region often lead to slight variations in spelling. Unless you are reading a highly standardized book, there is no guarantee that the spelling you see is standard spelling. Added to these variations, proofreading, it appears, is a job toward which no one seems to pay any attention. This makes it difficult to assess whether an apparent spelling error is real or merely a variation in dialect. So is the situation with pronunciation. Variations in pronunciation from region to region and from the educated urbanite to the un-educated villager are so much that people are used to listening and understanding non-standard Telugu. For the beginner, this fluidity indeed is a blessing. Any errors you make are likely to be accepted as a variation from the standard. So do not be afraid to speak. And speaking is the best way to learn a new language. This book is only a prop, treat it as such.
You made a wise decision to buy this book in order to learn Telugu. Modern brain research points toward the possibility that people with bi-lingual or multi-lingual talents are less likely to fall victim to debilitating brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. There is also anecdotal evidence that people who learn a second language are less likely to be dyslexic – a learning disorder. Just like we keep our physical body fit by exercising, so can we keep our mental faculties fit by constantly challenging them. Learning to speak another language is being touted as one such exercise.
Telugu is the language of the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Well over 75 million people, the world over, speak Telugu, and it stands second only to Hindi in India as to the number of native speakers. According to linguists, Telugu is a Dravidian language. That is to say, it does not belong to the Indo-Aryan family to which Hindi, Sanskrit, Latin and Greek belong. Linguists also determined that the four major southern Indian languages, namely Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam belong to the Dravidian family of languages. If someone is counting, there are some twenty one Dravidian languages in the Indian subcontinent. Some of these are still being spoken in remote parts of Pakistan and Afganistan.
Although the roots of proto-Dravidian languages can be traced back to several millennia before Christ, Telugu itself has a recorded history from the 6th century A. D. and a fine literary record dating back to the 11th century A. D. Much of the Telugu written literature, up to the end of the nineteenth century was in highly formal “literary style.” It is only in the twentieth century that colloquial spoken language began to earn the literary mantle. Nowadays almost all the language used in the media (print, radio, television, movies) is the colloquial style. This book attempted only to capture this colloquial style.
Telugu accepts foreign words with comfort and ease. Sanskrit and its vocabulary heavily influenced Telugu literature; no other language has as much of an influence on Telugu as Sanskrit has. Indeed a large fraction of the characters of the Telugu alphabet – such as many of the aspirated consonants - were created especially to facilitate the writing and pronunciation of Sanskrit words. It is, therefore no exaggeration to boast that some of the best Sanskrit pronunciation can be heard from scholars residing in the coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh.
Just as Sanskrit found a permanent niche for itself in Telugu literary circles, Arabic, Persian and Urdu words also found their way into the administrative jargon of Telugu. With the advent of British rule and the technology revolution sweeping the globe, it is no surprise to see, nowadays, that a Telugu person cannot conduct a conversation with another Telugu person for no more than a minute before switching to English or sprinkling the conversation with English words. No wonder J. B. S. Haldane, the well-known British geneticist, once remarked that Telugu fills the bill as the most suitable one to serve as India 's national language.
In spite of this love affair between the Telugu-speaking people and the English language, linguistically, culturally and grammatically, Telugu and English are as far apart as two languages can be. In a Telugu sentence the subject, object and verb come in that order, whereas in English the normal order is subject-verb-object. For an English speaking person the word order in Telugu appears inverted. There are other subtle differences – especially when it comes to past perfect tense.
In spite of these differences, Telugu is a very expressive and one of the most regular languages of the world. Its grammar is simple and structurally neat. Because of its vowel ending sounds, it has been the language of choice for lyrical compositions in Karnatic music – one of the two musical schools of India . Due to this reason, nineteenth century Europeans dubbed this language, “the Italian of the East.”
In Telugu pronouns and verbs play a key role. The more you learn about verbs and the declensions of pronouns, the better your command will be. If you cannot recall the correct verb form for a thought you have in mind, do not hesitate to use the English verb and the chances are the other person will understand. In fact, Telugu is so forgiving and accommodating that you can insert entire English phrases in the middle of a Telugu sentence and it will pass as Telugu. Many Telugu people you interact with use more English than Telugu when they talk to their grand mother!
Another special feature of Telugu, as well as other Indian languages, is the grammatical operation of sandhi, which literally means “junction” or “union.” When two words are pronounced in rapid succession, under some special circumstances, these words are fused together into a new word with the resulting morphing of the words at the point of fusion. In some circumstances, this fusing operation is mandatory and in other circumstances it is optional. A rare example from English is the morphing of “no one” into “none.” (Can you think of any other examples?) Until the student understands the process of analyzing this operation, it is best to avoid this operation, if at all possible. As understanding of this is important for the mastery of the language, it is treated extensively in one of the later chapters of this book.
Like many things Indian, there has never been a serious effort to standardize the language. Indians are truly the world’s freedom-loving people; they like to do the things their own way. Variations in the language from region to region often lead to slight variations in spelling. Unless you are reading a highly standardized book, there is no guarantee that the spelling you see is standard spelling. Added to these variations, proofreading, it appears, is a job toward which no one seems to pay any attention. This makes it difficult to assess whether an apparent spelling error is real or merely a variation in dialect. So is the situation with pronunciation. Variations in pronunciation from region to region and from the educated urbanite to the un-educated villager are so much that people are used to listening and understanding non-standard Telugu. For the beginner, this fluidity indeed is a blessing. Any errors you make are likely to be accepted as a variation from the standard. So do not be afraid to speak. And speaking is the best way to learn a new language. This book is only a prop, treat it as such.
You made a wise decision to buy this book in order to learn Telugu. Modern brain research points toward the possibility that people with bi-lingual or multi-lingual talents are less likely to fall victim to debilitating brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. There is also anecdotal evidence that people who learn a second language are less likely to be dyslexic – a learning disorder. Just like we keep our physical body fit by exercising, so can we keep our mental faculties fit by constantly challenging them. Learning to speak another language is being touted as one such exercise.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Auvaiyar Avathars
Auvaiyar the very famous and respected poets of Tamil literature. Not one, looks like there were many Auvaiyar's as believed by many foreign professors who did extensive research in Tamil and Dravidian linguistics and literature. Among them were Prof. Dr. Kamil Vaclav Zvelebil, George L. Hart and others.
Auvaiyar I - Sangam Period
Auvaiyar II - Post Sangam Period
Auvaiyar III - Medieval Period

A number of solitary stanzas have been subscribed to Auvaiyar. "The old lady' - very probably a term applied to more than one author; one of them composed didactic collection, another was a medieval poetess composing extempore verses. Most of this stanzas in venba form are witty, sometimes slightly ironical, often poignant and even profound comments and reflection, immensely popular; in fact, their authoress is a true people's poet, dealing with the common experience of the masses. It is, though, quite possible that Auvai the atuthoress of this stanzas is identical with the poetess of the gnomic collections. It is of course almost impossible to setup a date of this stray stanzas. There are many popular stories concerning her life, her relationship to Kamban and Ottakkuttan, the great poets of the Chola court, and she has become so popular that today films are made about her. In fact, as a person she "has passed into a dearly cherished myth". Here is her answer to the four basic questions of Hindu moral philosophy (virtue, wealth, pleasure, release):
To give is virtue. That which is earned without foul means is wealth.
A History of Indian Literature - Tamil Literature by Dr. Kamil Veith Zvelebil

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