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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Shiva Ayyadurai a Tamilian invented EMail

V. A. Shiva Ayyadurai (born December 2, 1963 in Tamil Nadu, India) is an American scientist and entrepreneur. He is currently a faculty lecturer in the Department of Biological Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and teaches Systems Visualization for the Comparative Media Studies department at MIT

In 1978, a 14-year-old named V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai developed a computer program, which replicated the features of the interoffice, inter-organizational paper mail system. He named his program “EMAIL”. Shiva filed an application for copyright in his program and in 1982 the United States Copyright Office issued a Certificate of Registration, No. TXu-111-775, to him on the program. As required by the Regulations of the Copyright Office, he deposited portions of the original source code with the program. Prominent in the code is the name “EMAIL” that he gave to the program. He received a second Certificate of Registration, No. TXu-108-715, for the “EMAIL User’s Manual” he had prepared to accompany the program and that taught unsophisticated user’s how to use EMAIL’s features.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Tamilagam the cradle of the human race

Tamilaham, or the ancient Tamil Country, was the submerged continent of Lemuria in the Indian Ocean on both sides of the equator. In his History of Creation Vol. I & II and in the Pedigree of Man, Prof. Haeckal assures us that the Indian Ocean formed a continent which extended from the Sunda Islands, along the coast of Asia to the east coast of Africa, and which is of great importance as having been the cradle of the human race. Sir Walter Raleigh's 'History of the World' strongly supports the hypothesis regarding the first nursery of man, and affirms that "India was the first planted and peopled country after flood." The locality of the origin of the earliest race from the most recent researches appears to have been on lands now submerged beneath the Indian Ocean. An account of the 'Lost Lemuria' by Scott, Elliot will be found instructive and interesting and confirmatory of the original adobe of man in the southern ocean. In 'Peoples and Problems of India' Sir T. W. Holderness writes "Peninsular India or the Deccan (literally the country of the south) is geologically distinct from the Indo-Gangetic plain and Himalaya. It is the remains of the former continent which stretched continuously to Africa in the space now occupied by the Indian Ocean.

The land south of Vindhia Hill was an island, called 'Navalan Deevu' and Tamilaham was a vast continent bordering on Africa in the west, on Australia in the South, and touching Kamaschatka far in the east. Tamilaham was in the existence 15,000 years ago Ancient Madura and Kavatapuram or Mutthoor were the capitals of the Pandya kingdom. Lanka was a portion of the old continent.

Archaeologists point out the influence of Tamil on the languages spoken in the distant lands. Sir W. W. Hunter, History of India, says that the language spoken at Kamaschatka at the North-East corner of   Asia is considered by eminent authorities to be a dialect of Tamil. In the Indian Antiquary, Vol. X, we find that the language spoken by the Maories in the far-off New Zealand which forms the ultima thule of the 700 Kathams of the Tamil land from Cape Comorin referred to in the Silappathikaram and the languages spoken by the inhabitants of the numerous groups of islands between these to boundaries are similarly akin to Tamil.

After the submergence of the original Tamilaham and the emergence of the Himalaya, the land lying between the latter and Cape Comorin became one, and has now come to be known as India. The Tamil warriors then spread their conquests as far as the Himalaya and established their kingdoms there. The adventurous Tamils who had escaped the floods in their boats seem to have founded colonies in Africa and Europe and proceeded to the farthest west as America. Scholars have found out that the language spoken at Tuscany in Italy is a dialect of Tamil. Tamil is one of the classical languages of the world and Tamil words are found in the other classical languages viz, Sanskrit, Hebrew and Greek. These and many other researches are likely to prove that the Tamilaham was the cradle of the whole human race.
Tholkaappiyar - The author of Tholkaappiyam
Tholkaappiyam is the most ancient extant Tamil grammar text and the oldest extant long work of Tamil literature.


Tamil Literature by M. S. Purnalingam Pillai